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Rent a Car Kozhikode

Latest Booking Requests Closest To Kozhikode
(distance to Cochin ~ 155km/96mi)

Pick-up Location | Reservation Dates | Car Class | Car Model | Price per day | Requestper formed |
Cochin - Airport (3 days) | 08/06/2017 12:00 - 11/06/2017 08:30 | Economy | Tata Indica | $54.05 | 2855 day(s) and 1 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (25 days) | 11/02/2017 10:00 - 05/03/2017 10:00 | Economy | Ford Fiesta | $35.42 | 2998 day(s) and 23 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (10 days) | 05/01/2017 10:00 - 15/01/2017 10:00 | Economy | Tata Indica | $48.30 | 3015 day(s) and 7 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (7 days) | 22/11/2016 10:00 - 29/11/2016 10:00 | Economy | Tata Indica | $48.30 | 3049 day(s) and 4 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (38 days) | 14/11/2014 16:00 - 21/12/2014 23:45 | Economy | Tata Indica | $15.75 | 3800 day(s) and 21 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (7 days) | 01/02/2015 22:00 - 08/02/2015 20:00 | Economy | Tata Indica | $57.66 | 3836 day(s) and 10 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (21 days) | 06/12/2014 00:15 - 26/12/2014 17:45 | Economy | Ford Fiesta | $17.38 | 3855 day(s) and 14 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (23 days) | 31/08/2014 10:00 - 22/09/2014 16:00 | Economy | Ford Fiesta | $16.48 | 3866 day(s) and 13 hour(s) ago |
Cochin (1 days) | 24/08/2014 10:00 - 25/08/2014 09:00 | Compact | Ford Ikon | $76.44 | 3876 day(s) and 19 hour(s) ago |
Cochin - Airport (20 days) | 22/08/2014 10:00 - 11/09/2014 10:00 | Mini | Peugeot 107 | $16.41 | 3885 day(s) and 1 hour(s) ago |

Other popular car rental pick up destinations near Kozhikode, India

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Cheap Car Hire Kozhikode
This is the best place to discover a low cost and reliable car hire within Kozhikode, India. We are here to help you find all your car hire necessities. Search through our large choice of autos to find the right car hire for you. Take your time to browse your current available options and make a fantastic choice for your car hire getaway. With a car hire booked through, you are ready to start your holiday within Kozhikode.
The earlier you make a reservation for car hire in Kozhikode, the cheaper the cost will be. With your car hire in Kozhikode, you will discover more, do more and enjoy more of the area than ever before. The car hire is affordable as well as destinations are ever closer. Do not be confined with a small area, book your cheap car hire in Kozhikode and explore many of the great surroundings. With your own cheap car hire, the unique history of India is awaiting your discovery. By having a reliable car hire, Kozhikode is more accessible, more inviting and much more interesting. You can drive the car hire to destinations rarely visited by other tourists. You can bring your car hire to unknown beaches, small towns and ancient attractions. There is no better way to experience the city of Kozhikode than using the freedom of a car hire.